May 1977 |
Established three companies in Tokyo, Sendai, and Sapporo (total paid in capital: 9 million yen) |
March 1983 |
The three companies merged; obtained license issued by the Minister of Construction; increased paid-in capital to 30 million yen |
December 1983 |
Launched computer based database system |
May 1985 |
Organized the International Department |
June 1985 |
Increased paid-in capital to 60 million yen |
June 1986 |
Increased paid-in capital to 100 million yen |
October 1989 |
Opened Nagoya Office |
November 1993 |
Relocated head office to the current address |
October 1996 |
Established MS Building Support Co., Ltd., a jointly-owned subsidiary |
February 1997 |
Established Commercial Property Research Institute, Inc., a jointly-owned subsidiary |
January 1999 |
Opened Osaka Office |
December 2011 |
Established Sanko Office Management Co., Ltd. by the way of company split |
September 2012 |
Opened Fukuoka Office |
December 2015 |
Opened Shinjuku Office |
February 2016 |
Opened Shibuya Office |
December 2017 |
Opened Toranomon Office and Kanda Office |